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 Discover   Gold

Achieve happiness and reach for dreams in                          your life's next chapter
                               Available in paperback and Kindle Unlimited             


Everyone deserves to dream?

Are you stuck, sitting on the sidelines watching your life pass? Are you experiencing a relationship change due to a divorce, death of a spouse, or friend? Confronted with a serious illness or perhaps that Long-awaited retirement is falling short of the glorious days you anticipated?

New Year-New You 2023

Make 2023 the best it can be!

Discover Gold is a guide that will give direction so that you can live your best life. The encouraging techniques offered will steer your transition, helping you to find passion and bravely reach for your dreams. 

This guide combines the wisdom from the greatest philosophers, and experts to empower you to answer serious questions. Who am I? What do I want on life? Do I have what it takes to pursue my dream and capture it?

Overly, a former critical care nurse, shares open vulnerability with her empathetic no-nonsense prose as she inspires others to make peace with their past, live their best life today, and reach for tomorrow's dreams.  

Offering a step-by-step guide, the text is accompanied by her own humbling, personal experience, awakened by a cancer diagnosis to reach for a five-year goal. Worksheets follow each chapter to nudge the reader to discover his gold.


Overly offers one and two hour workshops. Contacts her for details.


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