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    Exciting News!

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         True Love Knot: Entangled- a                                   caregiver's story

   Winner of 2022 New York City Award for                    Distinguished Favorite!

True Love Knot,  is a dramatic coming-of-age story for Gabriella King.  Caregivers are described was angels on earth, but they can fall from grace.  Deb McKemey Review of True Love  Knot: entangled - -a caretaker’s story

First review on Amazon by Deb McKemey. Thank you!

Five minutes into this latest book by DonnaLee Overly and  you are hooked.! Her character development is outstanding. I have read all of Donna’s books and this is by far the one that touches the heart. You feel as if you are in the room with her characters. You can tell from Donna’s description of Gabbys role as Caretaker that she has lived in that world. Not just the medical descriptions but the impact it has on the soul. This book also depicts how strongly one family member can make life changing decisions for others. This book has romance, mystery and surprises. I can’t wait for the next book!

All reviews have been 5 star. Three are listed on the back cover. Check it out on my Facebook Page or on the back cover of True Love Knot on Amazon.


     The King family saga continues with The Shackle: escape from the knot of restraint.  This is the first book in the KNOT Series II. It is an enjoyable stand-alone novel mixing the elements of drama, suspense, and romance against a backdrop of human trafficking.

     During Stan's quest to reset his life after his stint in rehab, he becomes entangled in a dangerous web of organized crime when he accidentally stumbles on a kidnap victim, barely alive in an isolated area in Texas. He rescues Marie but the aftermath places his family, including Gabby and Brett, in jeopardy. Losing trust in the authorities, Stan teams up with his step-dad, prominent rancher Wayne King, to bring the trafficking boss to justice, giving the story a modern-day western feel.

     Stan's feeling's for Marie grow as she comes to terms with her ordeal, and with therapy she discovers a surprising connection with her hero. Stan begins this journey broken in body and spirit; however, as his unique gifts and strengths are revealed, he comes into his own and shines.

Great reviews for The Shackle

"The tension, twists, and turns of the plot make for compelling reading..." Lesley Jones, Readers' Favorites-5 stars

"The character development was excellent and when combined with the many action-packed elements of the plot, it is easy to get completely lost in the tale and devour it from cover to cover."- K.C.Finn, Readers' Favorites-5 stars


"...if you are intrigued by dark themes and compelling plot twists, this is the perfect novel for you."- Tammy Ruggles, Readers' Favorites- 5 stars


The Shackle  --Voted Distinguished Favorite of the 2020  NYC Big Book Award




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